North Florida Institute of Theology & Technology

The North Florida Institute of Theology and Technology is an evangelical interdenominational Christian educational academic institution. Our mission is to advance the knowledge of Christ and educate students in technologies that will best impact our world. What we strive to achieve: We want to provide an affordable accredited educational experience. We want to provide individuals […]

5 WAYS TO BRING PEACEFUL CHANGE cry for justice The Bible says in Psalm 25:8-9 “Good and upright is the Lord; Therefore He teaches sinners in the way. The humble He guides in justice, And the humble He teaches His way.” -God is a God of Justice. He will not allow injustice and the oppression […]
Veterans Nexcare

Founded in 2022, Veterans Nexcare is a community outreach program based in Jacksonville Florida working to primarily address the mental health needs of veterans who are suffering from secondary conditions related to their service connected injury. Even though we are based in Jacksonville Florida, any veteran residing within the continental US can seek our services […]